Determining the Boundaries

Marietta is 15 miles northwest of Atlanta and the Cobb County seat. At 23 square miles, Marietta is one of Georgia's most populous cities, with 56,579 residents calling the city home.

 Acts 17:26 says, “And He (God) has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has DETERMINED THEIR PREAPPOINTED TIMES AND THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR DWELLINGS, so they may seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him though He is not far from each one of us.”

There are 4 to 5 new subdivisions under construction within a 1-mile radius of GPMBC.  Across the tracks and near the Conference Center there are at least 100 new homes being built right now.  God is doing some very exciting things.  I know I am excited and YOU should be excited too. 

Every person who will be moving into these homes has been brought to us by God for the purpose of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  When Paul shared the words in Acts 17:26-27 He made it very clear that GOD DETERMINES THE BOUNDARIES of our dwelling places.  God determines where we and they will live.

So how do we reach these people.  Well, I have good news for you.  Our Mission Team is hard at work to get into these new neighborhoods through their Home Owners Association (HOA) Newsletter.  We plan to start advertising in these newsletters to let the people know that we would love to have them here at GracePointe.  The ads are very low cost and have the potential for a high return on our investment.

How can you help?  If you live in a subdivision with a HOA, we need for you to contact Greg Musgrove with the contact information for the President of the HOA.  Our first event will be our Trunk or Treat in October.  

It is the heart of God that all should come to Him!!  Our job is to be there a they “seek the Lord” so we can share what Jesus has done for them.

God is doing a new thing at GracePointe and I for one want to be out front leading and seeing His vision unfold for HIS GLORY!!

I love you – I really do!!

Pastor Tim